Thursday, November 3, 2011

New stuff!!! :D

Smoke billowed up piercing the flawless sapphire that was the sky, the chimneys were working endlessly through another cold day deep in the valley, keeping all the inhabitants that dotted the landscape warm in their little cottages.The season was changing and the leaves were falling, all the farmers were out gathering what was left of the crop in preparation of the coming snowfall. all the land was in a strange lull as the people all silently went about their busy day.
     It was on this peaceful quiet day that a stranger arrived in the valley, most people just continued on with their day without giving the stranger a second thought but some of the more suspicious folk locked themselves away in their homes without the intention of leaving for at least a few days, they believed that this stranger was an omen.
     Tall and proud this stranger trotted down the dingy road to town atop a magnificent white stallion and draped in a deep purple cloak with the hood pulled tight over the strangers face. Never stopping or even breaking gaze from the road.within the hour the stranger was within sight of the small town of Kartol, the largest community in the valley though it still only housed a little over a hundred people. A small four foot wall surrounded the settlement with three openings one south, one west and one north, it was the north-side the stranger was now facing.
    As the stranger neared the two guards standing on either side of the wall became visibly more anxious, they both were squeezing onto their spears so tightly their knuckles were turning white.  The stranger could tell from just a glance that both guards were nothing more than peasants, their clothes were simple and very dirty, they were just taking their turn on duty, neither had ever killed a man nor were either likely too.
     "Who is it!" one of the guards calls out, but the stranger did not respond and kept trotting up until the horse was positioned right in the middle of the two guards.
     "Falna." the stranger said in a soft silky whisper, still looking strait ahead barely even acknowledging the guard.
     "The Falna Family? They live about a mile out of the western gate on a small farm." the guard stated. "What business you got with them? Theys good folk. You best not be going out there to cause them trouble..." Before the man could finish the strangers horse bolted off around the town leaving the two guards in a dust cloud coughing and hacking.
     Within a few minutes the stranger was coming up on a small little cottage on a hill over looking a big field of crops. The stranger rode up to the porch where a very surprised young girl was sitting. Again the stranger asked in a low voice.
     "Falna?" the girl looked up at the stranger trembling.
     "Y-yeah I'm Marie Falna. Pa's gone for the day though so you'll just have to come back later." she said with weary eyes fixed on the shadowy face under the hood, A small smirk came to the strangers lips.
     "Your sister sends her regards." The stranger said still keeping a hushed tone.
     "You've seen Allison!?!?" Marie blurted out.
     The stranger ignored her question and unveiled a small baby boy from under his cloak, gently the stranger slid off the horse and walked over to the porch holding the baby out towards Marie. She studied the baby and the long slender hands holding it for a moment before reaching out and taking it. As she looked over the baby she noticed his ears tapered slightly making a small point. she looked back towards the stranger who had already mounted his horse again.
     "Wren" he said.
     She looked down at the child then back up at the strangers so many questions forming in her head but her tongue betrayed her so she was left speechless. the stranger reared his horse then took off like a lightning bolt down the road. Marie just stood dumbstruck staring inquisitively after the horse holding the small boy.