Thursday, October 28, 2010

The prologue "new revised edition"

"The emissaries from all the clans are here, Lord Realic." the courier exclaimed as he entered the large wooden awning, it was made from the rare trees that only grew in their forest, it was quite precious. Intricate designs spiraled all the way up the pillars that held it up, underneath it sat only a throne made of the same wood, with more of the same intricate carvings on it. Lord Realic sat on his axis of sovereign power, he glared at the courier for a long moment then dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "Finally it begins." Realic said aloud to himself then he headed to his council chambers.
In the large round room sat one member from each of the five clans other than his own. “Welcome my kin, I know it has been ages since last we gathered, but I fear that due to the recent actions of our woodland brothers there may be some dire consequences to us all...” As he spoke the emissary from the woodland realm shot up. “Those damned humans started this! Do not blame the victim this time!” Realic stood observing him for some time before he spoke again.
He stared into the mans deep dark eyes full of hatred and malice and black as the depths of hell. This elf was taller than all the rest in the room, and his antlers, which were common for the forest elves, made him seem even more so.
“Then enlighten us, Taril, tell us of why these stupid creatures now hunt us like animals.” Realic spoke with anger in his voice. “Tell us why these less than worthy beings are slaughtering our innocent kin!”
Taril stood silent and mumbled something incoherent to himself. “You wood elves were killing humans before they even knew of our kind, dark stalkers they used to call you.” said the emissary of the nomad elves, a disinterested tone was in his voice. “I need no words from you Denael, you nomads are only a step above humans, but barely, you even give them free roam of your land.” Taril said in a sinister tone. “Why you dirty rotten..” Denael began. “Come now let us have peace!” the largest of the elves exclaimed.
He was of the air children, elves who dwelled in the mountains and worshiped the very sky. They were much bulkier than most elves but still very slender compared to humans.
“I agree with Haren.” Realic exclaimed. “We are here to decide on how to deal with the humans, not tear each other apart.” all of the elves with the exception of Realic took there seats. “We high elves watch over many things, we study and examine most of what happens in the land. We have spies in all of your kingdoms as well as the human ones, Thus we know exactly what has happened and why it has. We also know that the humans are a threat and weather it is now or later they will have to be dealt with, because though they die at a much earlier age then the elves do they are in a constant state of change so they grow and adapt far too quickly and they take over more and more land as their own as this happens. This is why I have summoned you all here and that is why you should all heed what I am about to say.” Realic said, sounding very practiced and rehearsed. “The high elves are going to exterminate the humans for the sake of our world, all races that wish to join shall have a claim on parts of their land. All who don't will hereby be named enemy of all the elven kin and a traitor to the goddess!”
“This is ridiculous!” Denael shouted. “We need the humans to survive, they bring in the trade that keeps the nomad elves alive!” “The water dwellers trade with the filthy creatures just as much as you nomads, but if they are eliminated then we may take up their roles and be more self sufficient.” Retorted the River emissary. “You do not understand Melog, we have signed many treaties with the humans declaring peace. To suddenly turn and attack would destroy our honor as well.” Denael snapped back at him. “bah! Its just a piece of paper, you nomads are just cowards.” Melog argued. “Well it may be just a piece of paper to you, but our honor and dignity is bound to it through ink and blood!” Denael shouted.
A wicked smile came across Realics face. “Then go, and never again be welcomed to this place. Go warn your human masters of the coming storm, the resistance will only make this more interesting. But know this you will dye before this is over and it shall be at the hands of your true kin, you traitorous dog.” Haren stood up suddenly “It ain’t right, you’ve lost your damned mind Realic. You can count me out.” Realic looked at Haren displeased. “Well, any other traitors?” The other three sat silent and a sinister smile came across taril's face. “so then let it begin, The great war of the elves.”
“Finally, its been ages since we had a good war to fight.” Kurenya shouted, she was the only female present at the meeting, she was a dark elf which are a matriarch, therefor the women rule. They believe the goddess favors women and they are her beloved children, long have they been malicious people that love and long for war. She had been silent up till now but the excitement of the things to come made her unusually excited and loud. “My blades long to be fed!” she remarked.
The two opposed elves left the room in a hurry, with this news hanging heavy on their hearts they journeyed homeward, with there kins scorn on their backs and doubt in their hearts.
Realic held out his sword in the air, it was made of solid gold and had many carvings in many languages on it. “let the union of the high, river, wood and dark elves begin.” the others drew their weapons and the all held them up to his.


  1. Hey Puppy! this is really awesome! it seemed so real and interesting. the writing is a lot more mature and thought out. the only thing i would say is maybe talk about the only girl elf there more in the beggining. you know? bring that up and about the goddess earlier so that the end of the chapter is that suspenseful part where they decide to go to war... dont delete in, just arrange it maybe...?

  2. I am very impressed my friend! There are some spelling things that I could show you from an editing standpoint, but the grammer and syntax looks pretty good to me, and it is very readable! It is also very captivating to me as a story! Is it a continuation of the first posting? I remember reading that one in your handwriting and it looks like you worked hard at making that one even better as well!

    Good job! It is fun to have another writer in the house!
